Five things on my radar

Jenna Marbles new video! I am obsessed with this and want everyone in the world to watch and love this video like I do.

Titus from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. This show is histerical and yes, I binge watched it all. Titus is my favorite though I think he makes the show.

Beauty and the Beast.It is my favorite movie and I am always thinking about it. I can't wait for the new one!

Lilo and Stich. I read something the other day that said that Lilo means lost, while stitch is bringing something together. This fact made me cry and now I appreciate this movie so much more.

Me Being Me is Exactly as Insane as You Being You by Todd Hasaklowy. This is the current book I am reading and it is a novel in lists. It's super cool and I am hooked!


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