Five Terrifying Things-Stories by Me

WARNING: The following stories are complete fiction, if you get scared easily please do not read. If you love being scared though, please turn off the lights and enjoy!

Afraid of loosing my mind
You wake to whispering. Deep in your mind. You can't get it out, get it to stop. The voices are angry, screaming, demanding. They don't know what anything is but they don't trust it, they trust no one. They yell they tell you what to do, you know they're wrong, you know not to listen. You can't stop them.You pull yourself out of bed and put on your clothes, you get ready for work like you always do and then leave, going throughout your day with the incessant screaming, crying, and words with no visible speaker.
Your mind is gone but you are not.

Being unable to move-straight jackets
All alone in a white room. Cushioned walls and arms wrapped tight. Trapped helplessly in utter silence. You are unable to move, to turn on the light.The door is closed and locked tight. You are helplessly stuck,trapped living in the emptiness, the silence, left alone with your thoughts.

You sit in the front row of a circus. Your lover is hanging off of your arm, tugging and pointing at the animals, the ringmaster, the death defying stunts. All of a sudden a small yellow car pulls into the center of the ring. The door opens and clown after clown come tumbling out. Each have brightly colored faces and large clothes hanging off of their frames. One walks towards you with  a creme pie, his eyes locked on you. He smiles and puts a gloved hand on the back of your head. At first it's funny, but then he won't let go. You're having trouble breathing, you're choking. You are breathing in the creme and find yourself loosing consciousness, drowning in pie. Your lover screams as well as others around you, trying to pry the clown's hands from your head. The clowns hold tightens as you slip away the last thing you hear is the clown's laughter.

You find yourself in the water. It's freezing cold and creeping quickly over your body. You find yourself stuck, unable to move or escape. The tide is coming in and you can't protect yourself for long. It slowly rises and your body fights. It's not going to do anything to save you but your body insists that this is what you must do. You know you will drown, but you have to struggle, it's human nature.


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