Books that have changed my life

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Right now this book is highly talked about, this is due to the up coming release of the film. Not only is John Green one of  my favorite Youtubers, but he is an amazing writer and is extremely well spoken. This story  made me look at the world in a completely different way and changed my outlook on life. I truly love this book and found myself connecting to the characters in ways that I never had before. After I finished this book (in one day might I add) my mother found me hysterical and was only calmed when I was able to stammer out that it was all because of this book.

Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson

I read this book for the first time when I was in elementary school. At that time I was not a big reader, but after this book I had an insatiable hunger for the written word. My mother, another big reader was forced to read this book by a hyperactive young Sheena and was surprised by how much she liked it. To this day this is one of my favorite books and I constantly reread it. I suggest it to all, no matter the age as well as many of Anderson's other books.

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

This book helped me thought many changes in life. I first read it when I began middle school and was fighting a depression of my own. It is a tough book on an even tougher subject but it effected me in ways that I had not imagined. It inspired me to get the help I needed and helped me move from my more juvenile books to the adult material that got me through my high school career.

Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson

This was a required reading book for my elementary school. It brought out my imagination and forced me to deal with the bad turns that life can take. To this day it is one of my favorite books and if I ever have a child of my own I plan on reading this book to them when I believe that they will be capable of dealing with its more adult material, such as the loss of a friends life.

Identical by Ellen Hopkins

During my junior year of High School I read this book for the first time. It was suggested to me by a friend of mine and I had not suspected it to be as amazing as it was. I have always loved poetry and the fact that this modern poetry told such an amazing and gripping story was great. I adore this  book and could not write this post without mentioning it. I will warn you though that this book has a lot of adult content and is probably rated R. I hate to rate it but I do not want to scar any children for life.

Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales by The Brothers Grimm

I love these stories they brought imagination to my world and showed me that not everything in Disney movies is correct. These stories are blood filled, creepy, and full of perverse twists and turns. They are great and I reread them all of the time.

That's all for today! I'll Update again soon.Tell me if you like these book suggestions and the SUMMER SPECTACULAR. Follow this blog and leave some comments. Tell me what you want to see next.

Special thanks to Hannah Barnett and Ivy Will for supporting and loving the blog. 

Love you guys,


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