How to be a good roommate

So whether you live with one person or five, there are unspoken rules that all roommates should follow. Here are the ones I think is the most important.

Tell your roommates when you're sick.
No one wants to get sick, let alone because your roommate never told you they were contagious. If you know you are sick you are obligated to tell your roommates. You don't have to make a big deal about it just send a text and maybe put a bottle of sanitizing wipes  where everyone can use it. I do not want to get sick because you aren't kind enough to give me a heads up, especially around exam time.
Clean up after yourself.
Your apartment should not be an embarrassment to you and your roommates. If you share a space it should be relatively clean five out of seven days a week. Of course there are times that can be overlooked-such as a study area around exams-but a shared space should usually be pretty clean. So if you cook something, clean up after yourself when you're done eating. No one wants to clean up after you, especially if it involves wet food.

If finals are approaching or you are just in a cleaning mood, vacuum the apartment and sanitize surfaces. If there is a lot of trash take it down now and then. Just do your part when it comes to cleaning and don't rely on just one or two of your roommates. P.S. cleaning your room doesn't count, work on your shared areas such as a living room or kitchen.

Give a heads up if someone is coming over.
No one wants to get out of the shower to find a group of strangers sitting on your couch. Give a heads up with a text or sticky note as a common courtesy. This will cut down on arguments and leave your roommates feeling respected. 

Buy some of the products that your apartment as a whole will need.
Take turns buying paper towels, dish soap, garbage bags, toilet paper and dishwasher fluid. Your roommates will being to resent you if they are finding themselves buying these products every month. It is just unfair to rely on your roommates for things like this, so come up with  a way to make this fair. 

Share the Kitchen
There's nothing worse than when one roommate takes up all the kitchen and fridge space. If you cook something don't put all of the stuff you make in front of your roommates food, this will make it easier for your roommates to know what they have purchased and prevent food from going bad or smelling. P.S. apartment kitchens are not made for the master chef so don't act like one, it will just cause chaos.

 Keep in mind your roommates  sleeping schedule.
If you are the only one awake try to be quieter. Don't be loud when unloading the dishwasher or talking on the phone. Sleep is important and there is nothing that can cause arguments like lack of sleep or someone disregarding this rule. I have one roommate who works late shifts and doesn't get home until three in the morning. Due to this it is only fair that we are quieter until she wakes up.

These are just a few tips that can make life with your roommates easier. If you enjoyed this please comment and share so I know you're out there. If you want more tips for roommates or apartment life in general please comment or send me an ask on my tumblr
I love you guys and thanks for reading!


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