Amazing Makeup:// Face

Being a pale girl with very sensitive skin I have to be careful with the products I use on my face. I know others have the same problems as I, so I thought I would give you some tips. 
 Favorite face wash: 
I bought this after I got a horrible sun burn and found my normal products just caused to much irritation. This stuff is amazing, it leaves my skin smooth, hydrated, clean and bright. It is amazing and a little goes a long way. 
Favorite moisturizer: 
Only stuff that makes my skin feel amazing. Keeps my skin hydrated and smooth, even in winter. 
Favorite Foundation:
Makes my skin look flawless and has SPF in it, yes please!
Favorite BB Cream:
I use this when I do not want to use foundation, so if I am doing something like running errands or have an eight am class. It works well, has SPF (a requirement for me all year round) and moisturizes. 
Favorite Makeup Remover:

This stuff gets everything, I trust it to keep my skin clean without causing any problems. The price is amazing and it is like magic and I feel that it takes away all of the harm I do to my skin.


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